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Posted By : Trip Komodo

Posted On : Thu Jul 09, 2015 10:39 am

Add Blog text here.LAKE THREE COLORS Lake Flores, Full of Mystery
Kelimutu Three Color panoramic lake in Ende, Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara, is full of inscrutable mystery until now ini.the colour change of lake is often the case in three separate craters former eruption of Mount Kelimutu is a uniqueness that no other in the world. For residents who live long enough in mainland Flores, I will explain what I know about Lake Flores based on observation and personal knowledge.
Lake Kelimutu in Ende, Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara is known as the lake three colors. This beautiful lake walls prone to landslides. Unfortunately, not as beautiful as the beauty of Lake Kelimutu management system. Number of facilities, especially facilities for tourists, now many in poor condition and not well maintained. For example, a small room, pavilion building in poor condition the parking area, as well as the capacity is very limited parking space, which is only able to accommodate about 20 four-wheeled vehicles and several motorcycles.
Lake Flores is actually one of the mainstay tourism Flores. To reach the lake, located about 51 kilometers east of the town of Ende, tourists can use the vehicle from Ende, also can use the bus intercity.scenery in the region is very charming. Thick white fog that moves slowly cover the top of Mount Kelimutu (approximately 1,640 meters above sea level) is a very typical sight around three colored lake at the summit of the mountain.
In the area of Lake Kelimutu many things that can be found, which if managed optimally will surely be able to attract tourists, both domestic and foreign.
When empty the situation, the atmosphere will be silent and drab. We're just going to see a stretch of land with a number of green plants, in addition to witnessing the amazing color changes all three lakes. However, do not expect no adequate explanation or information about the natural wonders of the lake and the lake region.Di there is only one board is "entitled" Changes in Nature, Eternal Faith. However, the board was also the condition is untreated, scarred hands of ignorant which eliminates a number of letters. The information given is only an outline around the legend, there is no scientific explanation.
Three lakes are located adjacent to each other was also "not named". On the east side, there are two lakes, the water of each green and dark brown. For green lake, the lake is usually called by the spirits of young people (Tiwu nua muri ko'o fai). The dark brown spirit lake called soothsayer or a bad guy (Tiwu ata polo). On the west side of the lake there is a moss green or dark, which is commonly called the ghost lake parent (Tiwu Ata Mbupu).
A number of the suspect, change the color of the water in the lake due to Kelimutu volcano activity, refracting sunlight, the micro biota water, the dissolved chemical substances, as well as due to the reflection color of the walls and bottom of the lake. A brief explanation that the water color changes to blue-white (now green) is made possible by changes in the chemical composition of the water crater due to changes in volcanic gases, or may also be due to rising temperatures.
Meanwhile, the increasing concentration of iron (Fe) in the fluid causes the red color to black (dark brown now). The most green species possible from specific biota .about the wall of separation between Tiwu nua muri ko'o fai with Tiwu ata polo is given a brief explanation that the geology of the corner, the wall of the lake is the most unstable. With the adjacent position, especially if there is an earthquake with large scale, it is possible both lakes will menyatu.Selain that, given the Flores Island including seismic area, necessary studies to be able to inform travelers on where to shelter locations when around Lake Kelimutu .
History of Flores
Flores is a combination of words meaning mountain keli and mutu
which means boiling it is one of the most famous tourist destination on the island of Flores, in addition to Komodo, traditional village of Bena and Marine Park Riung that you are able to visit Flores, visit you to Flores in NTT is not complete if you have not had time to come to Lake Flores which is located in Mount Kelimutu. This lake offers views of lake 3 colors at any given time can change color.
Lake Flores was found by Van Suchtelen, Dutch government officials in 1915. This lake is known as Father Bouman started publishing articles regarding volcanic lake Kelimutu.lake was considered magical or mysterious, because the lake is the third color changing with the passage of Lake Flores is known to have three colors, namely red, white and blue, in some documents, the lake is now black, used before 1970 are red, as shown in the bills Rp 5,000 long.
The locals believe that the lake is the third color change indicates that natural phenomena will arise like a volcano erupting, the landslides, natural disasters or other calamities. To climb the peak Kalimutu, there are several options to reach the top of Kelimutu, which is by foot, horse riding, bike hire and car hire.
1. Hot Water
Not far from Moni you can find some hot springs around Moni and very refreshing to take a bath in this heat source especially after you get Mount Kelimutu.
2. Custom home
Around the village of Moni like in Ngala, Jopu or Wolowaru at that time you can see some of the local customs house built towering, cone-roofed, form at the bottom of the stage like a house that is not too high from the ground and to get into someone's house have to use the stairs. On the inside of the conical roof there is a platform where sacred objects as well as the bones of their ancestors saved. Unfortunately this room is not allowed to be photographed.
3. Missionary
Larantuka and Maumere is the starting point for the spread of Catholicism by Portuguese missionaries. 400 years ago the Portuguese missionaries first go to Maumere, one of the Portuguese is Portuguese nuanced Sikka Old Church which still stands majestically in the village of Sikka. This church colonial architecture, traditional elements of Flores remain accommodated in the interior with a variety of Sikka weaving motifs painted on the walls and altars.
Seminary Ledalero with museums, is another proof of the strong influence of the Catholic religion in public life Maumere.
Flores long journey history can be traced from its various collections. A variety of ikat collection with motifs that is no longer manufactured can be found in this museum. Ledalero seminary run by the SVD missionaries who came from Austria.
4. Exile home Bung Karno in Ende
Bung Karno discharge home located in Jalan Officer, City of Ende who visibly looks like a settlement there, which differentiates it from other houses is a nameplate bearing the Site, former home Exile Bung Karno in Ende on the front page. At home measuring 12 x 9 meters, the former President of the Republic of Indonesia's first Soekarno (Bung Karno) a period of exile by the Dutch colonial for four years (1934-1938).

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