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TripNut Development Forum

We want (and need!) your ideas and advice

TripNut wants your ideas and advice about the ongoing development of the platform so we invite all members to post to this special forum. We can't promise immediate action on every idea and we might not take all the advice we'll receive, but we know our future success depends on listening to you.

NB: Please do not post commercial messages or SPAM this forum. Abuses will be asked to leave the TripNut Community.
Forum Topics Posts
Integration of other social media 0 0 View Topics
Member exchanges and interaction
What tools can we provide to facilitate exchanges and interactions among and between members?
1 0 View Topics
New features & functions 0 0 View Topics
Tracking abuses 0 0 View Topics
Translation to other languages 0 0 View Topics
TravelBooks 0 0 View Topics
TripNut Ideas
A place to post your Big Ideas for developing TripNut.
1 0 View Topics
TripPlanners 7 0 View Topics